Are you considering getting a rat? Rats are the cutest little creatures. WRONG! They are gross and messy creatures that will ruin your life. You’ll repent on your decision of having a rat as a pet.
See The 9 Reasons Why Rats Are Gross
So, before you do this, read this blog post to learn more about why rats are one of the worst possible pets for anyone to have in their home.
1. Rats Are Gross As They Carry Diseases
Rats and other rodents carry disease and illness. Even if a rat is not sick, it could be having something like the plague (a dangerous and deadly disease). If a rat bites someone, they could get sick. This is not only dangerous for humans but can also put wild rats in danger.

Humans have treated diseases with medicine, but there is no cure for the plague yet. To catch these diseases from a rat would be very bad.
2. They Create A Mess Of Food And Stuff
Rats also spoil food by eating it and leaving droppings on top of the food.
Once a rat gets into our food, it will contaminate the whole thing with its droppings and saliva. They also smell bad, so we know if they have been there before we try to eat something. Since rats can carry diseases and spoil food, it is very risky to share any of their stuff with us!
We should keep our food safe from them. It can spread diseases if rats have access to our food and water. The rodents can even crawl into the holes and contaminate our food that way. The diseases they bring can hurt animals like deer or rabbits who eat their droppings by mistake.
3. Why Rats Are Gross – Rats Are Not Very Affectionate
Rats make terrible pets as they’re not very affectionate and will bite if provoked.
Rats are not affectionate pets. They may run away and hide in the corner when we try to pet them.

It is very easy for a rat to get provoked and bite someone, so it is best not to take that risk. Rats aren’t like cats or dogs; they do not care about us as much as we care about them. Dogs and cats can sense if we are stressed, but a rat does not have those instincts.
Rats may come from the wild, but they do not have to stay that way! The next time you think of getting a pet, think about how many diseases it could spread and bugs it could bring in. It’s not worth getting a rat as a pet!
4. Why Rats Are Gross – Rats Are Dirty
Rats are dirty animals that will not be clean, even when you bathe them. They go out of their way to make their nests dirty and spread diseases.
They will surround themselves with their droppings, which makes cleaning up harder for us. Rats can get into small spaces where we do not want them to and make a big mess.
They need to be kept in cages and taken care of, but they will never get as friendly as cats or dogs. If you want an affectionate pet that is also clean, think about getting a guinea pig or a hamster instead.
5. Why Rats Are Gross – Rats Chew On Electric Wires
Rats have can cause fires in buildings by chewing on wires, causing a short circuit.
Rats and other rodents can chew on wires and electrical cords and cause a short circuit. This will give them the energy they need and start a fire for them to play with. If you have seen where they are nesting, there might be burned-out matches or batteries in their nest.

Rats have caused fires by chewing on wires, and that is very dangerous. This could take down a building, so we need to pay attention to any fires they can start accidentally.
Young children should be told about the dangers of not getting rid of rats around their homes. They will have a habit of going near the electrical cords if they are bored or trying to get to the food. If you have a pet rat, take care of them so they don’t cause fires!
6. Rats Eat Garbage And Poop Everywhere
We need to keep our trash cans covered. Rats are known to smell it from a long way off, and they will go digging through the trash for food. Now that you think about it, that is not very sanitary!
Rats eat garbage, poop everywhere. They can ruin our homes with their poop and pee, make us sick if we get too close to them, spread diseases to other animals near them.
Rats are not cute or cuddly. If you have a rat as a pet, it will probably nip at you if you try to hold it. Do you like getting nipped? I don’t. Think about your safety before deciding to get a pet rat!
7. Rats Are Gross Because Their Fur Is Greasy And Itchy
Rats have oily fur that makes them look dirty. Their long furry tails are not cute, and they may even get matted with their droppings! Even if their fur looks clean, it is still greasy, and rats will spread the oil onto your couches or chairs when you let them sit on you.

If rodents are allowed into our homes, they may spread diseases, give us illnesses, and make our homes dirty.
There is no advantage to having a pet rat over any other rodent, and we should stop the trend before it gets worse! If we teach children that we can get sick from touching them or getting too close to them, they may learn to stay away!
8. Why Rats Are Gross – It’s Hard To Get Rid Of Rats
Rats are gross because you can’t get rid of them once they’re in your house.
Rats are so hard to get rid of because they can fit into small places and chew through almost anything. They will burrow their way into your home, whether you want them there or not! When the weather goes cold, they will try to find somewhere warm inside.
They keep on multiplying and getting into your home. Once they start breeding, it would be hard to get rid of them.
If rats infest our homes, we should call professionals to trap them and release them outside. They will cause a lot of damage if too many rats are in the area, so it is up to us to keep our homes clean!
9. Rats Make Lots Of Noise
Rats are gross because they make a lot of noise at night when you’re trying to sleep.

At night, you might be lying in bed and hearing scurrying noises or squeaking. These sounds are made because the rats are looking for food when it is dark out. When they are thirsty, they will start dropping things to make noise so you can hear them.
If something keeps waking you up at night, it’s probably a rat! It is time for us to take care of this problem to get a good night’s sleep.
Rats are one of the most reviled animals in our modern society. They’re not only gross because they carry diseases, spoil food, and attack if provoked; rats are also dirty since they eat garbage and poop everywhere!
If you have any experience with these verminous pests, please do let us know.
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