Do you ever wonder if a rat can eat a lizard? Well, the answer is yes! Rats have been famous to do just that. I’ve seen it happen before, and it was pretty interesting to see how they go about doing it.
Can Rat Eat Lizard? – Here’s The Answer
In this blog post, we’ll get to learn different things regarding the eating of lizards by rats.
1. Rats Are Omnivorous – They Can Eat Anything
For this reason, they are happy to eat lizards if it’s easy. Rats have small front teeth that are good for breaking through the skin but not so great at chewing meat off bones.

It means they can eat reptiles alive but will often leave the larger chunks of meat behind when they’re done.
2. Lizards Typically Run Away From Rats
If they can’t run, lizards will curl up into a tight ball. Neither of these defences is much of use against an intelligent predator like the rat.
It’s not very likely that the lizard is going to be eaten by the rat, but if it does happen, then this is what will happen:

The lizard won’t put up any resistance at all. It won’t try to scratch, bite or use its tail.
Instead, the lizard will curl up into a tight ball so the rat can pick away at it without any risk to itself. Although there will be some sharp claws that can bother them if they’re careless
3. Can Rats Chew Through Lizard’s Scales?
The scales are too hard for the rat’s mouth to chew through. A lizard’s scale consists of keratin, which is the same thing that human fingernails and hair.
In other words, it’s tough stuff that would turn a pair of pliers into sawdust if you tried to bite through them. The rat is perfectly capable of eating the meat off a lizard’s bones, but it won’t be able to chew through the skin.
Instead, it will lick around until it has licked away enough flesh to reach the scales underneath.
4. How Do Rats Kill Lizards?
The lizard won’t fight back, and the rat will be able to hold on long enough to suffocate it. Rats can kill, eat, and then walk away from something they’ve killed but holding on like this is pretty unusual.

They do this with food when they need to carry off large quantities of meat back to their den if they live with other rats or young ones that need to be fed.
The problem is that it makes the rat easier prey than if it just ate the food and ran away. There’s less chance of anything else taking its prize before it gets back to safety.
5. Are Rats Lazy If They Go After Lizards?
If you see a rat eating a lizard, it means food is abundant in your area, and the rat isn’t hungry enough to hunt.
If a rat is only going after lizards, then it’s going to be easy pickings all the time. There will be more lizards around because there’s no predator control.
Also, the abundant food supply means that there are enough lizards for everyone. In other words, you’re living in an area where rats are allowed to thrive and lizards are allowed to go unchecked. When they have lots of food, rats tend to become lazy, so they prefer easy kills like a lizard that won’t fight much.
If you see the rat eating the lizard, then it means that there is an overabundance of lizards in your area. In such a case, you should call a pest control company to put a stop to it.
6. How To Know If A Rat Has Eaten A Lizard?
There will be a small hole where the lizard went in and a bigger one where it came out. If you find a lizard with a neat, circular hole that’s smaller than its head, then there’s a good chance that a rat did it.
If a large lump of meat falls off something furry, don’t assume it fell off by itself. Check underneath, and if there is a tail, you might find rats underneath as well.

A lizard doesn’t have much meat on it, but what little there is will be gone. If you find chunks of skin with some scales still attached, then the rat hasn’t been able to get through the scales so it gave up and moved on with its life.
People who work in pest control can tell if a rat has been eating lizards because scales are usually left on the ground beside the hole.
When they see this, they know that it’s worth checking under the surface for rats. If you find lizard scales, then it’s time to catch those killer rats!
7. What’s The Eating Process Used By Rats?
A rat will typically go for the softer parts of the body first and then move on to more difficult areas as it gets hungry.
If you find a lizard with most of the scales covering its body, then it’s probably not been killed by a rat. Rats can easily kill lizards, by grabbing them from behind and biting through their neck without breaking their teeth on any scales. When they do this, pretty much the only thing left is the head attached to the spine.
Usually, they don’t bother with these kinds of lizards because all that’s left are pieces of bone, flesh, and scales attached to them.

When eating lizards, rats will often chew up the tail first before going for the head to avoid getting bitten by their prey’s sharp teeth. Remember that you should check the tail first because it’s also the easiest part of the lizard to get at. Look for little teeth marks on it and make sure there are no holes in it. If you find a hole but no bite marks, rats did this damage by chewing up the tail before tearing open the skin with their long, sharp front teeth.
Once you’ve checked the tail and there are no holes or teeth marks on it, check the head next. That is the most difficult part of a lizard to get at because of its sharp scales. If you find bites on the face that look like rats caused them, then they ate this part of the body last rather than first.
So, can rats eat lizards? Yes. Rats are omnivorous and will happily eat anything they come across. Lizards will run away from rats, and they can kill lizards by biting them and holding on until they die.
If you see a rat eating a lizard, it means food is abundant in your area, and the rat isn’t hungry enough to hunt.
Please do let us know about your experience with rats so we can better understand their behavior patterns!
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